Support Holy Shrines: Donate with Cryptocurrency

Support Holy Shrines: Donate with Cryptocurrency

At our Islamic charity organization, we believe that every act of giving is an opportunity to draw closer to Allah (God) and to serve our fellow human beings. We are committed to ensuring that our donors’ intentions are fulfilled with sincerity and devotion, and we look forward to serving you in this important aspect of your faith journey.

Our Islamic charity organization is proud to offer a unique and meaningful service to our community of donors. We understand that making a donation or vow to a holy shrine is a deeply personal and spiritual act, and we are committed to helping our donors fulfill their intentions with ease and sincerity.

Our team of dedicated volunteers and staff members is available to assist donors in delivering their donations to holy shrines, including the holy shrines of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib – Imam Husayn ibn Ali – Imam Musa al-Kazim – Imam Ali al-Rida(al-Reza) – Imam Ali al-Hadi – Imam Muhammad al-Jawad – Imam Hasan al-Askari – Abbas ibn Ali – Muhammad ibn Ali al-Hadi(Seyyed Muhammad) – Fatimah bint Musa(Masumeh). We ensure that each donation is made with the name and intention of the payer, as per their wishes, and we take great care to ensure that the process is handled with the utmost respect and reverence.

When you entrust your donation to our Islamic charity organization, you can rest assured that it will be handled with the utmost care and attention to detail. We understand that each donation is a sacred trust between the donor and Allah (God), and we are honored to be able to facilitate this important act of worship and devotion.

At our Islamic charity organization, we believe that every act of giving is an opportunity to draw closer to Allah (God) and to serve our fellow human beings. We are committed to ensuring that our donors’ intentions are fulfilled with sincerity and devotion, and we look forward to serving you in this important aspect of your faith journey.


Wallet to Wallet

A new feature for paying your donations. With this method you can pay your donations directly from your wallet or exchange to another wallet instead of using online gateways. Try it now.